Saturday, November 25, 2006


As 2006 comes to a close, one can't help but to think about what the next year will bring. I realize that certain areas of my life could use a vast improvement and that I am the one responsible for making these changes. I don't generally subscribe to the notion of making empty promises to ones self, so I tried to come up with a list of general resolutions that (with actual execution) could lead to more specific results.

Some of the things I want to accomplish personally are also things that will be applicable to my closet and upcoming clothing purchases. What? After all, this is a fashion blog :)

1, 2, & 3) Take more risks, etc...The first three things on the list kind of go together. This applies to life and fashion. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut, so I'm thinking that I will try to participate in more activities that aren't a part of my normal routine (work, gym, home...repeat x4). I don't know what these activities are yet, but I'll get to that later.

I get bored very easily so to keep my look fresh, I can A) deviate completely from what's tried and true or B) tweak it a little w/ unexpected accessories, color, or silhouettes. I'll probably do a combination of both.

4) Go for what you want. But first I have to figure out what that is, focus, and make an genuine effort to achieve it. My problem is that lately, what I want tends to change on a daily basis. At one point my goals were always so clear, now for some reason everything is a little fuzzy.

On the fashion tip, I have 20/20 vision about what my wants are. I always have a running list of items that need to be added to my wardrobe. So I am looking forward to crossing some of those items of the list next year.

5) Be grateful. Instead of complaining about all of the things I don't have and justifying the pursuit for acquiring more things(see #4), I will attempt to be grateful for everything that I do have in the meantime.

6) Know when to let go. The sooner I apply this principle to my life/closet, the better off I will be. I have a bag of clothes right now that will probably never see the light of day again just waiting to be hauled off the Salvation Army. Why am I so hesitant to give things away that I know I won't be wearing again?

In my real life, I am starting to realize that there is a difference between giving up/failure and simply separating myself from of situations that aren't working for me.

What's on your list for 2007?

1 comment:

dareal_aka_alex2.0 said...

thats a good list. i may need to make one up for myself.