Sunday, November 12, 2006


I don't even have a television and I love this show. Thank you ABC for making the episodes available online! Ugly Betty chronicles the adventures of Betty Suarez (played by America Fererra) who is the smart but unfashionable assistant to the editor-in-chief of the high fashion publication, Mode. Although Betty is in desperate need of a make over, you can't help but to admire her spirit.

The supporting cast is equally hilarious and endearing. Vanessa L. Williams is a delight to watch as Wilhelmina Slater,the manipulative creative director of Mode. Her facial expressions are priceless and lines like, "He's making me look like Miss Jane Pittman" (in reference to her younger date) and "Were you looking at me when you suggested Qwansa" (in reference to a holiday magazine layout) pretty much sealed the deal for me. Salma Hayek acts as executive producer and guest star.

Ugly Betty airs Thursdays @ 8pm on ABC.

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