Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Award show fashion usually doesn't move me because A) everyone ends up looking alike or B) I'm left scratching my head going "WTF?". This years show involved more of the later. Certain celebs might want to think about reorganizing their staff (read: fire your stylist). That's not to say that there weren't any fashionable moments, but for the most part I was underwhelmed. Here are a few moments that stuck out in my mind-and that's not necessarily a good thing.

Okay, let's just get this one out of the way. Beyonce's look has pretty much topped everybody's worst dressed list. It wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't...hell, I don't know. The pose, the glitter, it's just all too much.

These looks pretty much exemplify the "WTF?" moments that I was speaking of earlier. Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz are usually so well put together and I expected more from them.

I'm not sure why I thought this dress was knee length, but I liked it better that way. I was all ready to hand out my best dressed award to Salma Hayek before I saw all of that excess fabric. Then again, Any woman who can pull of gathered fabric around her hips is okay with me. This dress would've been so much hotter if if were knee length!

Reese Witherspoon's shoes are really doing it for me. The shoes + the dress...not so much. Am I missing something, cause I just don't get it.

Vanessa Williams looks absolutely stunning from the neck down. If I squint my eyes really hard I can kind of see what she was trying to do.

I'm having mixed feelings about Jennifer Garner's dress. Something about it really speaks to me. I think I'll just toss this one up as being "Interesting".

I hate to come off as one of those people who never has anything positive to say so I would like to add that I was thoroughly impressed by Mary J. Blige and Jada Pinkett Smith. I thought they were absolutely stunning and congrats to all the winners including America Ferrera (sp?), Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson, and Forrest Whitaker.

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