Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Exhibit A Exhibit B

Whenever the young ladies of Danity Kane are photographed together (or separately for that matter) the words "hire", "fire", and, "stylist" are usually mentioned. I imagine that their preparation for public appearances involves Lorriane unloading a garbage bag full of frocks from Forever 21's return rack while shrieking, "Make it work ladies!!"

I often wonder if I were the stylist in question how would I have done things differently so that they would look a bit more..shall we say, polished. A few suggestions spring to mind:
1) Establish a common theme or color palette. I'm not suggesting matching jumpsuits or anything. But I think that a little coordination would provide a sense of direction while still giving you room to express your individual personalities.
2) Edit. Look at yourselves before you leave the house. Ask yourselves, Do these overalls make sense or should I just wear this shirt unrolled with skinny jeans and a belt that would be waaaay cuter? (D.Woods) Did I have this dress on at an appearance last week? (Aundrea) Should I have a bang at all times? (Dawn) Is this headband (Aubrey) or mock turtleneck get-up (Shannon) really necessary? When in doubt ask a friend who you know won't let you walk around looking a mess (because she doesn't want you to embarrass her.)
3) Know your limitations/Less is sometimes more. I know that we are living in an age of layers and excess and I'm all for that when it's done correctly. With that being said self-tanner, eye makeup, jewelry, and clothing layers should be used in moderation unless applied by an expert.
4) Diversify your wardrobe. Please push Diddy for more $$ for your clothing budget. You work hard and darn it you deserve to have nice things. Besides you're in the public eye and have an image to (start) think(ing) about . I too love Forever 21, but variety is the spice of life. Zara, H&M, and a host of other stores have a lovely merchandise assortment at reasonable prices.
I think I've given you enough information to begin the transformation. Make us proud....Work it out ladies.

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