Sunday, November 19, 2006


I think R&R (rest & relaxation) gets a bad rap. I'm all for hustlin', but a girl has gotta have some down time. I've got a few more weeks before I head back East for X-mas vacation, but honestly my mind is already on "Out of the Office" reply mode.

I'm tempted to pack nothing but PJ's and leave my get it right, get it tight, "you can't eat a full meal in those" jeans in the closet. Unfortunately, I never know who will be stopping by my mamma's house and I can't be having people thinking that I've let myself go! And that's where these come in:

Knickers, $14.99;Target

Sporty ballet top,$24.50;Victoria Secret; Polo shirt, $90; Ralph Lauren;Plaid fitted shirt, $39; American Eagle

Heart & Arrows thermals, $88;Primp;Revolveclothing

Roller short, $22; Boy shorts, $13.50; Calf socks, $8; American Apparel
Maybe I should wait til company leaves to roll around in my undies... :)

I understand the feeling that one must be G'd up 24/7, and I've seen women walking around in god awful sweatpants and XXXXXL T-shirts (!) all in the name of comfort. Personally, I'm feeling much better knowing that there's a happy medium between the two.

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