Sunday, January 07, 2007


I never thought that I would see the day when I would choose a flat shoe over a high heel. Alas, I have reached a point in life where I can no longer suffer needlessly for the sake of fashion, so my money is on shoes that are both stylish and comfortable. Luckily there are many options out there that don't require the sacrifice of either.

Patent skimmer: Karmaloop, $69.99, Eyelet bow flat: 79.95, Nina shoes; D'orsay flat: $70, Piperlime; Star skimmer: $25.50, Alloy

Camo ballet flat: $70, Steve Madden; leopard print: $69.99; Nine West, Studded flat: $29.99, JCPenney; Satin flat: $79.95; Steve Madden; Lace flat: $69.99; Aldo

Don't be discouraged if most flats don't appeal to you upon first glance. This is especially true if you're used to the glamour of a high heel. Cute flats that don't read as dowdy can be hard to find and in most instances they look better on your feet than they do on a store display or picture. That being said, I highly recommend investing in a pair of flats if you are participating in any kind of activity that requires you to be on your feet all day. You know running around with the balls of your feet burning is not the business! If you feel like you are too "low to the ground" in flats, but still want the same effect, kitten heels and sliver wedges are great alternatives.


Saun said...

Thanks for listing some reasonably priced cute flats. The only cute ones I've seen so far are some Prada flats. They are cute but I can't afford a $400 pair of shoes

ND said...

Thanks for checking out my blog! I feel ya on the $400 flats. I can't see myself giving up that kind of money right now either. :)